What Do You Want? Write It Down

Write It Down

In business, and in life, we can easily fall into the trap of giving too much attention and thought (energy) to the things or results we don’t want.

If we on the other hand, get clear and intentional about what we do want, these things or results we are desperately trying to avoid seem to fade into the background.

Today I’m challenging myself, and you to get really clear on what you do want. Here’s how…

Write it down – I mean old school with paper pad and pen. Capturing our dreams, aspirations and goals by putting them down in ink on paper is really a way of transporting ideas and thoughts from the cerebral (brain) or heart (emotional) to the physical.

If we then take some kind of action – even a small one – and ideally at that same moment or day, we are getting into the realms of real and actual (touch, feel, see).

A commitment, then follow through by consistent action will almost certainly produce… a result.

Here it is expanded, but in bullets…

  • Write it down (old school with paper pad and pen)
  • Action (small and immediate)
  • Commitment (to follow through… more action)
  • Follow through (actually follow through, consistently… accumulative action forms massive action) | While we’re on ‘Follow Through’, here’s a great Post on ‘Follow Through’ that I shared on Google+ (full credit goes to Les Dossey)
  • Result

Regardless of the result we get, we have one. With that we can learn, take a fresh aim and fire again. But notice it all started with writing it down.

How To Write It Down

Focus on (and write down) results and outcomes

When you do write down (your dreams, aspirations and goals), it’s important to get really specific – focus (your thoughts and energy) on exactly what you do want (specific results and outcomes).

Temporarily suspend all disbelief

Reject the automatic or off-hand fears and negatives that come immediately – don’t give them any time or energy at all – ideally ever again, if not, just for the next few minutes. Temporarily suspend all disbelief. What if it was possible?

Take constant action

Let’s start by ‘writing it down’ now :-)

I’m writing this post here in August 2013. If you’re reading this post in August 2013 – let’s make this the last quarter of 2013 remarkable by writing down the results and outcomes we are looking for and taking action today.

If you’re reading this post after August 2013, whatever quarter is in front you, plan to make it remarkable. Start by writing it down the results and outcomes you desire to see.

Once we write things down, the way (or ways) forward are so much clearer. And as said at the beginning of the is post, the things or results we are desperately trying to avoid just fade into the background.

Keep The Pen and Paper Handy

Once we’re in the habit of writing things down, we can become experts at capturing the valuable and creative ideas, thoughts and concepts that are freely flowing through our mind each day.

Here’s how Francis Bacon put it:

Write down the thoughts of the moment. Those that come unsought for are commonly the most valuable.

– Francis Bacon

This is the first Post under my new ‘Encouragement’ category on my Blog. If this post has encouraged you, or know others who would be encouraged by it, please share it by clicking any of social buttons below or beside this post.

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