Should You Be Blogging?

Be Blogging

Here’s my take…

  • If you find yourself saying: “I wish I had a dollar for every time someone asked me…” – you should be blogging.
  • If you find yourself explaining the same things to people over and over again – yes, you should be blogging.
  • If you run ANY kind of commercial concern, and I mean ANY kind – you guessed it.
  • If you have a cause that you and others really care about…
  • If you are passionate about ANYTHING…

…you should be blogging.


The 2 main reasons are Reach, and Influence.

And we’ll get to number 3 in a moment…

According to Facebook, more than 30 billions of pieces of content are shared on the site each month – and we’ve seen it – people share links to Blogs on Facebook all day. Why not yours?

You may say:

“I can easily share my thoughts/links/ideas/news (Content) on Facebook…”

Of course you can – but when we speak (Publish) from a Blog, then share a link to our own Blog Post on Facebook, our credibility skyrockets. Massively. We’re no longer just another person saying something on Facebook – we have become a Publisher.

Sidenote – and this is getting into reason #3…

Content first published on Facebook is monetized by Facebook (by them having THEIR ads display with it). If YOU are the publisher, you have MUCH greater control over how your content is monetized. Not that I am against Facebook – not at all.

Here’s what I mean (and catch this)…

The first thing is, the capacity for our content to be shared far and wide hugely increases when we publish from a Blog (first), then share that content socially (i.e. link to our Posts on Facebook, Twitter etc). It’s all about leverage – getting the maximum possible reach and influence for our efforts.

The other thing is, when traffic is being syphoned off to OUR Blog from places like Facebook, we have a much greater capacity to monetize our Blog and Posts.

With me?

But what would I blog about?

Most of us already have extremely valuable content (potential Blog Posts) at our finger tips, be-it from the lessons or skills we have already taught or shared with others, or the lessons we’ve learned ourselves through shear hours of experience, trial and error.

You don’t even need to have it all together either. You can blog about ‘the journey’. Give people something to follow :)

If it’s about ‘the journey’, you’ll want to be either remarkable, entertaining and/or funny (engaging) – and regardless of your Blog’s ‘Theme’, you’ll always need to be relevant – that is, your information needs to be of high Value (Relevant) to a specific group of people.

But as the expert (that’s you), know that the lessons, experiences, trials, errors and high-level of expertise you’ve already accumulated over time are of very high value to many others. And you’ll be surprised just how easy it is to write a few hundred words once you get going.

The secret is to try not to cover too many subjects in one Post. Stick to one main topic per Post and you’ll have plenty to Blog about.

You don’t even need to come up with your own content all the time — because in time you’ll also become a Narrator (Commentator) and Curator (Keeper, Custodian, Collector) of Content (for example News, Updates etc.) for the niche, market or movement you’re in.

You become a Publisher.

Once you have some good Posts published, it may even be possible for you to call on even-more experienced people within your niche, market or movement and have them share something (in the way of a Post, Image or Interview for example) on your Publication (Blog).

Once you’re at this stage the third reason for blogging has already well and truly kicked in; and that is of course is…


This can’t be the first, or even second reason for blogging or you’ll lose momentum and direction. You need to be passionate about what it is you’re sharing about to keep going. Aside from that, content that is created purely for making money always stinks of that – you’ve seen it – you know what I’m talking about.

What about the money?

There are a lot of ways to make money through blogging which I’ll cover in more detail in another Post but the well known ways are: Adsense (having Google ads display on your Blog), Affiliate links, Selling your own physical products and Selling information products (such as eBooks and online courses).

What if I have physical business?

If you already run a bricks and mortar business such as a shop, restaurant, warehouse for example, Blogging is a great way to drive the eyes of your potential customers to your website or offers – even drive customers directly to your cash register in-store.


Solve a good number of your potential customer’s common problems by creating a Blog Post for each common problem/challenge. Give great insight and answers (i.e. provide massive value upfront). So you – provide great value, position yourself as the expert and authority, then call them to action – examples: call now, call in, complete form, take the survey.

Don’t think your business or business idea would have enough or anything to Post about?

Heres’s a possible idea for Post…

A restaurant owner looking to win more function business writes Post titled:

“How To Make Your Next Event The Talk of The <Enter City of Restaurant>”

In this Post the Restaurant owner’s aim is to:

  1. Deliver on the Title of the Post.
  2. Provide several unique ideas on preparing for a killer Event or Function.
  3. Mention the City a few times in the Post. Perhaps some locations or names other businesses of where certain items (for the Event) could be purchased (always be networking).
  4. Lastly, give a few great (and specific) reasons why his/her restaurant would make their upcoming event “the talk of <Enter City of Restaurant>”
  5. Finish with a clear call-to-action e.g. Call Now, or Call In

Are you getting it?

Should you be blogging?

Let me know what you think in the comments section below, or let me know if you’re now inspired to start. 

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