Hey Dean here – hope you liked the video :-)
So, over 180 popular Update Services notified (AUTOMATICALLY) every time you publish new content to your WordPress site… just for doing ONE 45 second task… once! This is automation my friend! If you’re not yet using WordPress – listen: seriously, you need too. WordPress is a FREE website/blog publishing thingy – and it’s a whole Content Management System (CMS) too… (and stuff-easy one at that). It’s so easy to use that seriously any mug can use it to develop a super-professional looking website and results (i.e. traffic, leads, sales)…
And what about Aweber?
Aweber is one of those champion tools that once you’ve truly experienced the value of, you’ll be totally addicted – there’s just so much it can do for you – and the longer you use it, the more ideas you can dream up for putting it to work for you in new ways in your business. And if used properly, the benefits FAR outway Aweber’s piddly monthly fee.
I have Aweber working it’s absolute guts out for me (and my clients) 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, all year round. My clients continually tell me it’s handsdown one the best value (highest ROI) tools they employ in their WHOLE business… Consultants, Artists, Local Retailers, Wholesalers of all kinds, businesses of all sizes… Direct Marketers, Photographers, Waste Disposal Companies and corporates of all kinds. It can work for ANY business at all.
The coolest part about AWeber is once you’ve set things up, you’ll find many parts of your business can be running (i.e. be being processed) on virtual autopilot.